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Welcome to

Vidyasagar Science Olympiad (2024)

(An initiative of School Education Department, Secondary Branch, Govt. of West Bengal)


For identifying talented students of  class IX, West Bengal


Organised by

Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search

Vidyasagar Science Olympiad, 2024


Result of Layer-2 Examination  & ADMIT CARD  of Layer 3 Examination of VSO 2024 


Selection Criteria: Based on the performances in the Layer-2 examination, top 20% of the appeared candidates of every individual districts have been selected for Layer-3 examination, provided they have scored at least 40% of the total marks in Layer 2 examination.


For each district, students who have scored 60% of the total marks or more in the 2nd Layer , have been directly selected for the 3rd Layer.


Top 10 candidates of each district have been selected for Book Grant of Rs.2,000/- provided they have scored at least 40% of the total marks in Layer 2 examination.


In both of the above selection processes, if there is a TIE between the last position of the selected candidate with its immediate next candidate(s) for a particular district, they have been included in the list for the respective district.


  • Important Instructions : To get the List of selected candidates for Layer-3, please CLICK here and select the name of the District from the dropdown menu in the appropriate place. A list of selected candidates for the Layer 3 examination of every individual district including the District wise Rank of the candidate will be displayed.

    To obtain the Book Grant, each of eligible candidates should have a Bank Account in his/ her name or jointly with parents/ guardians. HM / TIC/ School Authority are required to provide the Bank Account Details of the candidates who are eligible for Book Grant by CLICKING on the YES hyperlink ( shown in the same row of his/her name, VSO Regn. No) in the Column named as 'Book Grant Eligibility' on his/her behalf.

  • After clicking the "YES" link a popup window will be displayed in two ways :

  •                 a) Format for providing bank details - where  HM / TIC/ School Authority has to provide the bank details.

  •                 b) You have already submitted your account details  - Those candidates who have already submitted their bank details after Layer 1 examination

    Requirements for submission of Bank Account Details:
    UDISE code of the Present Institution (candidate's School)
    Name of the Bank, Bank Account Number & Bank's IFSC Code
    One scanned copy of either Front page of Bank Pass Book (where necessary bank details are printed) or Cancelled Cheque.

    The Layer-3 examination of VSO 2024 will be held on 22nd September, 2024 and the Admit Card for Layer-3 examination is available here.

Disclaimer : The selection has been made based on the knowledge that the candidate is currently studying in class IX. Violation of which at any point of time during the selection procedure & scholarship disbursement period the candidature of the selected candidate will be cancelled.



Last updated on : Friday, September 13, 2024


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